Made in Britain


Please see below links to our product datasheets, providing you with all the essential information, including testing, rating, configurations and finishes. If you have any questions about our products, please get in touch with the team.

Vertex-1 Panel PD01

Roof mounted, ultrafast explosion relief panel system suitable for use across a wide range of deflagration hazards associated with flammable gases, hydrogen, dusts and hybrid mixtures. Specifically designed and sized for ease on incorporation onto standard ISO container installations. Up to 3 x cassettes can be installed on a 20ft (5.9m) container and 6 x cassettes on a 40ft (12.03m) container providing clear vent areas of up to 8.91m2 and 17.82m2 respectively.

Click the button below to download our product datasheet.

Vertex-1 Panel PD01

Vertex-4 Panel PD02

A 4.0m (w) x 1.88m (h) ultrafast explosion relief panel offering circa 4.89m2 free vent area per cassette. Suitable for installation to concrete or steel structures across a wide range of deflagration hazard scenarios associated with flammable gases, hydrogen, dusts and hybrid mixtures.

Click the button below to download our product datasheet.

Vertex-4 Panel PD02

Vertex-6 Panel PD03

Our largest standard cassette measuring 6.0m (w) x 1.88m (h) offering circa 7.33m2 free vent area per cassette. When multiples of these modular sets are combined, even the largest deflagration hazard containing structures/enclosures can be safely vented.

Click the button below to download our product datasheet.

Vertex-6 Panel PD03

Vertex-B Panel

In addition to the range of standard products, Rhino HySafe also designs custom-built explosion venting solutions. At our Special Projects and Product Development base, we combine structural and blast engineering skills with many years of cumulative experience in the industry to deliver design support for architects and consulting engineers and provide any project-specific assessments or tests required.

If you have a specific explosion venting application you wish to discuss, please contact our team and one of our engineers will be happy to assist.

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